Absinthe Ratings

Absinthe Rating Criteria

Absinth Vergleich

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The variety in the Absinthe scene is getting bigger and bigger. So it becomes more and more important to get a complete overview and information about the different Absinthe varieties. With this table we hope to be able to give you a suitable help for the selection of your Absinthe.

We all know: Absinthe ratings are always subjective, even if you try to remain objective. In these absinthe ratings we have differentiated by country, as each country with a certain absinthe tradition also has its own absinthe making tradition. And so also its own typical taste picture. So it is very difficult to judge an Absinthe e.g. by the turbidity/opalisation, if it was the goal in one country not to let the Absinthe become turbid and in the other country already. Unforgivable mistakes in the production have to be artificial dyestuffs, which only want to replace a more complex production method with cheap and fast production. Traditional absinthe production simply takes time. Also a pre-sugaring is to be punished, since one can avoid an unintentional bitterness by appropriate herbs, roots and distillation/filter procedures, which represent also a more complex manufacturing method. In these Absinthe evaluations we judge purely according to taste and not according to the Absinthe effect. For most of our customers, however, the absinthe effect is decisive. This is discussed below on our website. All absinthes that are also available in free trade are evaluated here. Any products from black distillers or otherwise blocked brands that are not freely available will not be rated here, as it would be pointless for our customers to know what a non-available Absinthe would taste like.

In the table we rate with points from 1 - 10, whereby also within a point category is subdivided: above is better, below is worse.

Absinthe Flavor Ratings

  Tschechien Frankreich Spanien/Andorra Deutschland/Österreich Schweiz Rest der Welt
10=sehr gut Absinthe Quantenspringer 68% , Absinthe Ultra Maxima 65%          
9 Absinth Toulouse Lautrec Chr. Ed. Barrique , Absinth Toulouse Lautrec Chr. Ed. 62% , Absinthe Esprit de Santé , Absinthe du Jubilee 15 68% , Absinth Toulouse Lautrec 68% , Hieronymus Bosch Absinth 65% , Kyle Absinth 55%       Absinth Promethee 68% , Clandestine 53% , La Valote Martin Originale 72%  
8 Absinth Sinopale 65% , Absinth L`Exceptionnel 65% , Karmagiddon Absinth 89,9% , Gothicsinth Absinth 89,9% , H. Bosch La Bleue 65% , Absinth Il Divino Boemo 65% , L`éxtrait de fée Absinth 66% , Songe Vert Absinth 66% , Devil Absinth 62% , Cami`s Gold Absinth 66% Jade Absinth V.S. 1898 65% , Nouvelle Orleans Absinth 65% , Jade Absinth PF 1901 , Jade L`Esprit d`Edouard 72% , Absinth Sauvage 1804 , Absinth Roquette 75% Segarra 68% , Segarra 45% Absinth Maldoror 66,6% Absinth La Valote Martin 54% , Absinth La Valote Bovet 54% , Absinth La Valote Fornoni 54% , Absinth Opaline 68% , La Clandestine Marianne 55% , La Capricieuse Charlotte 72%  
7 Absinth Toulouse Lautrec LaBleue 62% , Absinth Toulouse Lautrec 2. Ed. 62% , Krasna Lipa Absinth 55% , Bairnsfather Absinth 55% , Gottesauge Absinth 66% , Tempel Absinth 66% , Hypersinth Absinth 70% Absinth La Coquette 72% , Absinth Vieux Pontarlier 65% , Absinth L`Entete 62% , Absinth Perroquet 72% , Libertine Absinth 72% , Lemercier Abisinthe Amer 72% , Lemercier Abisinthe 72% , Absinth Jade Blanchette 60% Absinth Obsello 55% Absinth Le Velo 69% , Absinth Viridis Auxilium 72% , Absinth Venus 72% , Absinth Gefallener Engel 55% , Absinth Malvales 72% , Eichelberger Brut 80% , Eichelberger Verte 70% Classic , Absinth Calendula 72% , Montmartre Absinth 65% La Valote Tradition 65% , Angelique Verte Suisse 68% , Absinth Angelique Verte 72% , Absinth Brevans A.O. Spare 68% , Absinth Fusion 68% Absinth Supreme 60% , Absinth Doubs Mystique 65% , Butterfly Absinth 65%
6 Bairnsfather Reality 60% , Bairnsfather extra Anise Bitter 55% , Bairnsfather Bitter 55% , King of Spirits Absinth 70% Libertine Absinth 55% , Absinth Verte Napoleon III 65% , Absinth Authentique 65% , Absinth Libertine Amer 68% , Lemercier Abisinthe 45% , Pernod Absinth 68% , Absinth Verte de Fougerolles 72% , Absinth Blanche de Fougerolles 74% Absinth NS 70 70% , Absinth Deva 70% , Absinth Deva 50% , Absinth Lasala 50% , Absinth Candela 55% Eichelberger Limitee 68% , Eichelberger Verte 78% , Eichelberger Verte 70% , Eichelberger Verte 60% , Eichelberger Festival Ed. 83,2% Absinth Brevans H.R. Giger 68% , Absinth Nouvelle Vague 68% , Absinth Duplais Blanche 68% , Absinth Duplais Verte 68% , Absinth Kübler Centenaire 53% , Absinth Kübler 53% Absinth Helfrich Verte 68% , Absinth Helfrich Blanche 53%
5 Absinth Vest Pocket 70% , Absinth Euphoria original 70% , Absinth Euphoria 80% , Absinth Euphoria Black 70% Absinth Lucid 62% , Absinth de Vichy 45% , Absinth de Pontarlier 45% , Absinth Francois Guy 45% , La Muse Verte Absinth 68% Absinth NS 55 55% , Serpis Absinth 65% , Serpis Classic Absinth 55% , Serpis dry Absinth 55% , Absinth Lehmann Thujon Delirium 70% Absinth Vision 70% , Absinth Vision Bohemia 70% , Eichelberger Blanche 58% Absinth Studer 55% Absinth Akveld`s Verte 68% , Absinth Akveld`s Blanche 60%
4 Granette Premium Absinth 60% , Absinth Cami normal 66% , Absinth Beetle 70% , Absinth 35 - 70% , Metelka Verdoyante 60% , Euphoria Cannabis Absinth 70% Versinthe La Blanche 55% , Deniset Absinth 45% , Un Emile Absinth 68% , Un Emile Absinth La Blanche 68% , Absinth Absente Bitter 55% Absinth Lehmann Violett 60% , Absinth Teichennee 70% , Absinth Diable Rouge 50% Absinth Vincent`s 77% , Absinth Vincent`s 55% , Absinth Vision Classic 50% , Jobst Absinth 75,5%, Jobst Absinth 55%, Absinth Die Grüne Fee 55%, Absinth Schwarze Witwe 55% Absinth Mansinthe 66,6% , Absinth Duplais Balance 60% , Absinth Kallnacher 55% , Absinth Aderlass 66,6% , Elixir du Pays de fees 55% Absinth Nemesinthe 60%
3 Staroplzenecky Absinth 64% , Hill`s Absinth Premium 70% , Absinth Dabel 70% , Absinth Black Crow 70% , Absinth Stromu 70% , Metelka Naturelles 60% , Hill`s Suicide Absinth 70% , Euphoria Absinth Elixier 79% , Red Absinth 60% Emile Coulin Absinth 55% , Absinth La Fee Parisienne 68% , Un Emile Absinth 45% , Jean Boyer Absinthine 50% , Absinth Absente 55% Absinth Fleur de Lis 55% , A. Nadal Cannabis Absinth 70%, Rodniks Cannabis Absinth 70% Ulex Ordinaire Absinth 70% , Ulex OII 50% , Ulex Ordinaire Absinth 55% , Ulex Gold 50% , Mata Hari Absinth 60% , Absinth Blue Velvet 55% , Fee Vertes Elixier 70% , Absinth Tabu Classic Strong 73% , Absinth Tabu 55% , Abtshof Absinth 66%, Abtshof Absinth 80%, Absinth Mr. Jekyll 55%   Leone Absinth 72%, Hapsburg Super Strong 89,9% , Hapsburg Absinth 85% , Hapsburg Black Amer 79% , Hapsburg X.C. Cassis blau 89,9%
2 Absinth Black Hekatee 70% , Staroplzenecky Absinth 70% , Hill`s Absinth 70% , Fruko Schulz Absinth 70% , Metelka Couperosee 60% , Fruko Schulz Absinthlikör 30% Versinthe Absinth 45% , Pere Kermanns Black 60% Absinth Tunel A. Nadal 80% (blau,rot,gelb,schwarz,grün), Rodniks Absinth Strong 85% Ulex Exstase 55% , Absinth Tabu dry 55% , Absinth Grüne Fee 55% , Absinth Fee Verte Classic 50% , Absinth Tabu Red 55% , Ulex Dark 45% , Abtshof Absinth 44%, Abtshof Absinth 55%, Fee Verte Absinth 70%    
1=sehr schlecht Fruko Schulz Absinth 60% Pere Kermanns Absinth 60% Absinth Prohibido 55% Absinth Gräfs 77,7%   Absinth Essenz normal , Absinth Essenz Pro , Absinth Essenz LaBleue

The rating points have been awarded exclusively by the individual taste of the Absinthe Dealer employees. Only the overall impression (85% taste, 15% bottle, label, negative factors: artificial colouring, pre-sugar) was decisive. The Absinthe effect was not evaluated here!

Absinthe Effect


Für eine hohe Absinthwirkung ist nicht nur das Thujon entscheidend

Now to the absinthe effect: As we all know: Not only the thujone content is decisive for the absinthe effect. However, a high thujone content is a very good basis for the effect. You can find the Thujon rankings on our main page under "Absinthe Rankings". However, the overall deciding factor for the effect is the interaction of thujone with other important effective herbs/roots and alcohol. But also the effect of Absinthe is very different. Some people have the feeling to "fly" others have the feeling to be able to "concentrate" even better on certain problems (point directed). The Absinthe effect also has something to do with how receptive the respective Absinthe connoisseur is to the individual substances that are responsible for the effect. In general, we have also found that the effect of Czech Absinthe is greater than that of Absinthe from France, Spain or Germany. Exceptions confirm the rule, but the general overall impression has so far been the same. It may be that in France certain stricter conditions have to be fulfilled than in the rest of Europe. This is already shown by the fact that in France an Absinthe may not be called Absinthe, but fantasy names like Abisinthe, Versinthe, Absinthine, Extrait D `Absinthe etc. must be used. Perhaps this will change in the future.

Update: We are writing the year 2010 and the laws in France have changed in the meantime, so that the word we are talking about here can also be pronounced and written. So you can be curious, if there will be products from France, which will support the Absinthe effect and so the historical varieties will be able to offer the positive qualities for us again.

However, the new distilleries should initially lack the experience of how to achieve the effect that Czech products have already achieved.

Here now a small evaluation of the most important Absinthe sorts, if it concerns effect:

Absinthe Effect Ratings

  Tschechien Frankreich Spanien/Andorra Deutschland-Österreich Schweiz Rest der Welt
10=sehr gut Absinth Ultra Maxima 65%          
9 Karmagiddon Absinth 89,9% , Gothicsinth Absinth 89,9% , L`éxtrait de fée Absinth 66% , Absinthe Esprit de Santé , Songe Vert Absinth 66% , Absinthe du Jubilée 15 68%          
8 Absinth Toulouse Lautrec Chr. Ed. Barrique 62% , Absinth Toulouse Lautrec Chr. Ed. 62% , Kyle Absinth 55% , Hypersinth Absinth 70% , King of Spirits Absinth 70% , Devil Absinth 62% , Absinth Il Divino Boemo 65% (aphrodisierend) , Absinth Quantenspringer 68% (aphrodisierend) Lemercier Abisinthe Amer 72% , Libertine Absinth 72% , Absinth Libertine Amer 68% Segarra 68%   Absinth Opaline 68% , Absinth Promethee 68%  
7 Absinth Beetle 70% , Cami`s Gold Absinth 66% , Hieronymus Bosch Absinth 65% , Gottesauge Absinth 66% , Tempel Absinth 66% , Hill`s Absinth 70% , Absinth 35 - 70% , Absinth L`Exceptionnel 65% , Staroplzenecky Absinth 70% Absinth Verte de Fougerolles 72% , Absinth Roquette 75% Absinth Lehmann Thujon Delirium 70% Ulex Ordinaire Absinth 70% , Mata Hari Absinth 60% La Valote Martin Originale 72% , Angelique Verte Suisse 68% Hapsburg Super Strong Absinth89,9% , Hapsburg Absinth 85%
6 Absinth Toulouse Lautrec 68% , Euphoria Absinth Elixier 79% , Absinth Sinopale 65% , Bairnsfather Bitter 55% (Konzentrationswirkung) , H. Bosch La Bleue 65% , Absinth Euphoria 80% , Absinth Euphoria original 70% , Bairnsfather Reality 60% Lemercier Abisinthe 72% , Absinthe Blanche de Fougerolles 74% , Absinth La Coquette 72% , Versinthe La Blanche 55% ,Jade Absinth V.S. 1898 65% Absinth NS 70 70% , Absinth Deva 70% , Absinth Teichennee 70% , Absinth Obsello 55% , Rodniks Absinth Strong 85% Absinth Maldoror 66,6% , Absinth Viridis Auxilium 72% , Absinth Vincent`s 77% , Eichelberger Verte 78% , Absinth Vision 70% Absinth Angelique Verte 72% , La Valote Tradition 65% , La Capricieuse Charlotte 72% , Absinth Fusion 68% , Absinth Duplais Verte 68% Hapsburg Black Amer 79%
5 Hill`s Absinth Premium 70% , Absinth Euphoria Black 70% , Krasna Lipa Absinth 55% , Bairnsfather Absinth 55% (Konzentrationswirkung) , Absinth Toulouse Lautrec 2. Ed. 62% , Absinth Toulouse Lautrec LaBleue 62% , Euphoria Cannabis Absinth 70% Absinth Authentique 65% , Absinth Verte Napoleon III 65% , Absinth Perroquet 72% , Jade L´Esprit d`Edouard 72% , Absinth Sauvage 1804 Segarra 45% , Absinth Tunel A. Nadal 80% (blau,rot,gelb,schwarz,grün) Eichelberger Brut 80% , Absinth Le Velo 69% , Absinth Venus 72% , Absinth Vision Bohemia 70% , Montmartre Absinth 65% Absinth Brevans H.R. Giger 68% , Absinth Nouvelle Vague 68% , La Clandestine Marianne 55% , Absinth Brevans A. O. Spare 68% Absinth Supreme 60% , Hapsburg X.C. Cassis blau 89,9%
4 Hill`s Suicide Absinth 70% , Staroplzenecky Absinth 64% , Absinth Cami normal 66% , Bairnsfather extra Anise Bitter 55% , Metelka Verdoyante 60% , Absinth Vest Pocket 70% , Absinth Stromu 70% , Absinth Dabel 70% , Absinth Black Crow 70% Libertine Absinth 55% , Absinth L`Entete 62% , Un Emile Absinth 68% , La Muse Verte Absinth 68% , Jade Absinth PF 1901 , Absinth La Fee Parisienne 68% , Pere Kermanns Absinth 60% Absinth Lehmann Violett 60% , Rodniks Cannabis Absinth 70%, Serpis Absinth 65% , A. Nadal Cannabis Absinth 70% Absinth Malvales 72% , Absinth Gefallener Engel 55% , Eichelberger Verte 70% Classic , Absinth Calendula 72% , Eichelberger Verte 70% , Ulex Exstase 55% , Eichelberger Festival Ed. 83,2% Absinth La Valote Martin 54% , Absinth La Valote Bovet 54% , Absinth La Valote Fornoni 54% , Absinth Aderlass 66,6% , Clandestine 53% , Absinth Duplais Blanche 68% Absinth Helfrich Verte 68% , Absinth Akveld`s Verte 68%
3 Red Absinth 60% , Metelka Couperosee 60% , Metelka Naturelles 60% , Granette Premium Absinth 60% , Fruko Schulz Absinth 60% Un Emile Absinth La Blanche 68% , Absinth Vieux Pontarlier 65% , Absinth de Vichy 45% , Nouvelle Orleans Absinth 68% , Lemercier Abisinthe 45% , Absinth Jade Blanchette 60% , Pernod Absinth 68% , Pere Kermanns Black 60% , Emile Coulin Absinth 55% Absinth Diable Rouge 50% , Serpis Classic Absinth 55% , Serpis dry Absinth 55% , Absinth Candela 55% , Absinth NS 55 55% , Absinth Deva 50% Ulex Ordinaire Absinth 55% , Ulex OII 50% , Absinth Tabu Classic Strong 73% , Eichelberger Limitee 68% , Eichelberger Verte 60% , Fee Vertes Elixier 70% , Abtshof Absinth 80%, Abtshof Absinth 66%, Abtshof Absinth 55%, Absinth Gräfs 77,7% Absinth Mansinthe 66,6% , Absinth Kübler Centenaire 53% , Absinth Kübler 53% Absinth Doubs Mystique 65% , Absinth Akveld`s Blanche 60% , Absinth Helfrich Blanche 53%
2 Absinth Black Hekatee 70% , Fruko Schulz Absinth 70% Absinth Lucid 62% , Absinth de Pontarlier 45% , Absinth Francois Guy 45% , Un Emile Absinth 45% , Versinthe Absinth 45% , Deniset Absinth 45% , Absinth Absente Bitter 55% Absinth Fleur de Lis 55% , Absinth Prohibido 55%, Absinth Lasala 50% Absinth Vincent`s 55% , Ulex Gold 50% , Eichelberger Blanche 58% , Fee Verte Absinth 70% , Absinth Vision Classic 50% , Absinth Blue Velvet 55% , Absinth Grüne Fee 55% , Abtshof Absinth 44% Absinth Studer 55% , Absinth Duplais Balance 60% , Elixier du Pay des fees 55% Leone Absinth 72%, Absinth Nemesinthe 60% , Butterfly Absinth 65%
1=sehr schlecht Fruko Schulz Absinthlikör 30% Absinth Absente 55% , Jean Boyer Absinthine 50%   Absinth Fee Verte Classic 50% , Absinth Die Grüne Fee 55%, Absinth Schwarze Witwe 55%, Absinth Tabu dry 55% , Absinth Tabu Red 55% , Absinth Tabu 55% Jobst Absinth 55%, Jobst Absinth 75,5%, Ulex Dark 45% , Absinth Mr. Jekyll 55% Absinth Kallnacher 55% Absinth Essenz Normal , Absinth Essenz Pro , Absinth Essenz LaBleue

The rating points were awarded exclusively by the individual impression of the Absinthe Dealer employees.
If you have made other experiences personally, we are naturally interested in your personal experiences.

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